
Auto DJ tips and proper usage Auto DJ is enabled by default in every streaming package offered from Guru-host with disk space... Bitrate/Bandwidth calculation In website hosting, the term "bandwidth" is often incorrectly used to describe the amount of data... How to upload my media for use with control panel Typically, media is uploaded via FTP.  If FTP integration has been configured on your server,... How to use broadcast using Winamp & Shoutcast Source to your Shoutcast Server 1. Install Winamp (http://www.winamp.com/)2. Install Shoutcast Source... Iceast vs shoutcast Shoutcast Servers   Pro's : Your station is listed on Free Internet Radio - SHOUTcast Radio... Internet Radio Encoders An encoder prepares the signal by compressing it into a streaming format. The stream is then sent... Internet Radio Stations Directories List your station in Internet Radio Directories to gain extra listeners. We have listed a few... Is there any flash player for my audio streaming? Minicaster Shoutcast Flash Player is a free shoutcast radio flash player by Draft Light.... Is there any way to have the autoDJ restart automatically after a live broadcast? For IceCast servers: Yes, IceCast can instantly and automatically switch between the autoDJ and a... Stopping/starting the autoDJ before/after streaming live Question: If I want to switch from the autoDJ to a live broadcast (or vice-versa), how do I go... Video streaming bandwidth/traffic The hardware configuration depends very much on the number of website members and visitors and...
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