In website hosting, the term "bandwidth" is often incorrectly used to describe the amount of data transferred to or from the website or server within a prescribed period of time, for example bandwidth consumption accumulated over a month measured in gigabytes per month. The more accurate phrase used for this meaning of a maximum amount of data transfer each month or given period is monthly data transfer.
For radio streaming you can simply calculate how much traffic you will need by using the following examples:
128 kbps with 1 listeners for 1 Hour (3600 seconds) = 0.05GB (56.25MB)
128 kbps with 1 listeners for 1 Day (84600 seconds) = 1.29GB (1321.88MB)
128 kbps with 100 listeners for 1 Hour (3600 seconds) = 5.49GB (5625MB)
128 kbps with 100 listeners for 1 Day (84600 seconds) = 129.09GB (132187MB)
128 kbps with 500 listeners for 1 Hour (3600 seconds) = 27.47GB (28125MB)
128 kbps with 500 listeners for 1 Day (84600 seconds)= 645.45GB (660937.50MB)
128 kbps with 1000 listeners for 1 Hour (3600 seconds) = 54.93GB (65250MB)
128 kbps with 1000 listeners for 1 Day (84600 seconds) = 1290.89GB (1.29TB) (132187MB)