I uploaded new files, but the site hasn't updated (ASP .NET application) Εκτύπωση

  • 68

On the clustered hosting platform. compiled .Net applications are cached and left in a compiled state for performance reasons. If you make any changes to your application, for example, your web.config - to reflect those changes on your live website you'll need to recycle your application pool. To do this:-

1) Log-in to the control panel
2) Select the domain that you wish for the application pool to be recycled on
3) Click 'Website Settings'
4) Click the 'Application Pool' icon
5) If you haven't already given the site its own dedicated application pool, you'll need to do this first before you can recycle - click the button that says "Move to dedicated app pool".
6) Click "Recycle Application Pool"

You application will then be forced to recompile. The initial page load after a recompile may be more sluggish than usual - this is normal. Once the application is compiled, however, performance should be excellent. If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to get in touch via the client portal.

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